Hydronautica specialise in power and positioning controls for commercial and recreational boats. Osmotech have fitted hundreds of Hydronautica systems from throttles and thruster controls to handheld RMC (Remote Motor Control) positioning controls.
Would you like to be able to maintain full control of your vessel while not actually positioned at the wheel? The RMC system, enables you to manoeuvre your vessel safely and accurately from anywhere on board. Not only does the wireless remote control system control the bow and stern thrusters, but also the main engines for forward and backward propulsion. RMC makes this possible.
Electronic Motor Control
EMC is an advanced motor control system that stands out in terms of quality, image and ease of use. EMC literally puts the motorization of your vessel at your fingertips.

Remote Motor Control (RMC)
The RMC system, which stands for Remote Motor Control enables you to manoeuvre your vessel safely and accurately from anywhere on board…

EZY Dock
EZY-Dock opens up a whole new dimension in ‘new navigation’. All you need to be able to manoeuvre your ship in any direction is a Joystick: simply lip the Joystick in the direction you wish to sail.

EZY Pilot
Met EZY-Pilot is de RMC ook een stuk intelligenter. Als alles is aangesloten is de RMC ook in staat om op afstand de koers van de EZY-pilot aan te passen.