Stabilizer Revolution

What can Stabilizers do for me and why do I need them?
First of all, while most products available of various technologies and levels of efficiency are called stabilizers, the term itself is perhaps a bit misleading. What stabilizers do, is reduce roll movement of a vessel, but not very much of the pitch, sway, yaw, or massive movements you get on a vessel in waves. Luckily, in most situations, the roll is by far the most dominant and most uncomfortable motion, so reducing roll by a good percentage will make a substantial difference in comfort and safety on board.
What Do Stabilizers Do?
Stabilizer systems have been around for a long time, but typically only used on larger passenger ships and super yachts. The dramatically increased comfort and usability of any boat, have made owners of also smaller leisure vessels wish for this. When installing a high performing stabilization system onboard, you benefit from:
Increased Comfort
On Board
Increased Safety
On Board
Less Overall Fuel
Increased Second
Hand Boat Value

Introducing a revolutionary generation of fin stabilizers.
Fin stabilizers is the only system that handle well both cruising and "at anchor" use, with the "at anchor" stabilization force deciding the size of the fins.
This is an important point for most boat owners. Larger fins also means that the internal components grow in size, making it difficult to install them in an optimal position which in turn can result in the stabilizers having more negative side-effects like causing yaw (steering effects) and sway (side-way movements). Thereby, the overall situation often results in a compromise in fin size, so that most fast boats today do NOT have as much stabilization as most boat owners really want.
That is, until now!

Why are the Vector Fins so much better?
The Vector Fins TM simply re-direct the force direction/force vectors so that more of the force will benefit roll reduction and less force is wasted on the negative side-effects of yaw and sway that is unfavorable for a boat's handling and comfort on board. The vertical concave shape of the fin creates a net force direction, both in cruising and in "At Anchor" situations, so the work is more "up/down" instead of side to side or almost horizontal, as flat fins work with forces parallel to the hull angle.
But there is more. By changing the net force angle, this also increases the leverage arm around the boat's rolling point, further increasing the physical forces that work on the boat to reduce roll. This provides a lot more roll stabilization per fin size, which means that drag, power consumption, internal space occupation as well as load on the mechanical parts is a lot less than with other fins that can give a similar roll reduction.

Vector Fin Features
Up to 50% more efficient than flat fins
Up to 55% less side effects than flat fins
Advanced hydrodynamic fin design
20% - 50% less resistance than other fins, results in virtually no loss of speed and thereby no added fuel consumption
All fins are prepared for high efficiency in "Any Speed" — 2:1 size ratio, also "At Anchor"
The fins are made as a "one shot" vacuum injected vinylester process over pre-shaped core material in a closed mold method.
Designed with rowing and mat layers to ensure maximum strength and minimum weight. Can even withstand minor damages without totally disintegrating afterwards, unlike traditional production methods often allows.
Controller intelligence
Continuous development of the best control software possible, cooperating with leading companies in control technologies.
Color touch panel for ease of use and control.
Self adjusting — advanced algorithms — also "Any/No
Speed" functions for stabilization at anchor.
Easy upgrade of software ensures future compatibility and improvements.
Reverse gear position input, but also other sensors to safeguard that fins are centered and locked immediately if the boat is starting to move backwards.
GPS speed input (no shaft sensor) helps control algorithms do the best possible job.
S-LinkTM integrates common intelligence with thruster systems and main hydraulics.
SPS55 Actuator VF650/800 Fin
The new SPS55 actuators for the Vector fins TM are incredibly compact and silent, designed to fit in the small available spaces in modern boats below 20m/70ft where living space is strongly prioritized.
The SPS55 actuators have been designed to satisfy the needs of owner operated vessels with a total focus on reliability and hassle-free operation, as well as ensuring a quiet operation as they will mostly be installed below the floor in living spaces.
Construction Benefits
Squared base plate provides large load distribution area to hull while still being possible to install in tight areas between stringers and bulkheads.
Dual, balanced cylinders provide symmetrical load and force.
The actuator can be installed in any direction in the boat, the fin angle is totally independent of actuator direction.
No moving hoses at all secures against leakages and potential wear, as well as making the installation easier.
Oversized bearings for lifetime operation with only a minimal level of maintenance.
Rack & pinion drive connection for quiet, reliable, long life operation, with very easy service when needed after thousands of operational hours.
Fins are installed and removed very easy and quickly from the outside for best convenience in for example transport or other haul-out situations where this might be needed.
Defined shaft-shear point in case of the fins accidentally hitting something.
All wet parts in stainless steel.
SPS66/92/93 Actuators VF1350/1650/1950
The height inside the boat is often the key measurement to allow for installation in modern boats. The SPS66 / SPS92 and SPS93 are typically 25% to 75% lower than others. Side-Power actuators for the Vector Fins TM are constructed for easy installation and minimal noise reproduction.

Constructions Benefits
Purpose Designed
Defined Shaft Shear Point
Precision Machining
Internal Hydraulic Connections
Lifetime Lubricated Bearings
No Additional Centre Lock
No Complex Adjustments
Easily Installed & Removed
Dual Cylinders

Powerpack for standalone installations
The compact power packs can run the stabilizer from the generator power at all times. An optional load sense pump can also be added to allow for stabilization while underway and with the generator shut down.
This pre-made system is used for installations where the vessel does not have a hydraulic thruster system. All of the hose and wire connections are pre-installed allowing for faster system install and startup in the field. Side-Power focused all of the connections on two sides of the tank allowing for the system to go in tight spaces. By separating electronic control boxes the systems can be installed in engine rooms and other technical spaces. We also offer similar pre-connected and easy to install central hydraulic systems when other hydraulic consumers, typically thrusters, are required. These have a similar level of integration while of course being a bit larger due to the higher capacities required by thruster systems. When combined with a hydraulic thruster system, the stabilizers and thrusters talk to each other via our S-linkTM CAN bus system, enabling automatic hydraulic power distribution to where it is needed at the time, and even stabilizer control from the inexpensive thruster control panels.
System In Action
Captain Richard Kennedy share his experience of the Side-Power Stabilizers retrofitted by Osmotech on a Palmer Johnson 120 “Anna J”
The Permeant Seasickness Cure
Contact us for more information.